Jamie Oliver's wish: Teach every kid about food

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver recently received the prestigious TED Prize, an annual award given to a speaker at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Conference, which entitles the speaker to one wish that can change the world and $100,000 as down payment for the magic wand.

Jamie's wish: "I wish for your help to create a strong, sustainable movement to educate every child about food, inspire families to cook again and empower people everywhere to fight obesity."

This is a wish that can come true--I truly believe that. We all have the power to help make Jamie's wish a reality--for our own sake.

You can jump right in and sign Jamie's petition.
You can take a look at Jamie's plan and needs and see if you can offer assistance.
Or maybe just have your Jamie Oliver moment with your own family tonight: I'll be teaching my kids another simple, nutritious dish they can cook by themselves when they come home from school.

One of the "TED commandments" is the strict time limit of 18 minutes per talk, which Jamie exceeds by a few minutes, but this video is well worth watching. I think it's awesome!

Dr. Ayala

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