Learn from the Best: 7 Dietitian-Approved Tips for Living a Healthy Life


Registered dietitians are your go-to experts for all things food and nutrition. While a Bachelor's degree and specific academic achievements must be met, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics says that 50% of RDs hold advance degrees. Some also hold specializations in areas such as sports nutrition, pediatrics, renal disease, and weight management. Registered dietitians can help you meet your weight goals, improve your sports performance, and prevent or manage chronic disease. Included below are 7 key tips from professional dietitians to nourish your body and mind, and boost your overall quality of life - take them to heart!

1. Establish family meal time

Sit down to a meal together as a family several times a week. Turn off the TV, put down the phone, and catch up on your kids' day.

2. Drink up, using WATER

Ditch the sugary sodas and juices for water or other low-cal options. The calories in liquids don't tell our brains we've eaten, and those calories add up.

3. Eat breakfast

Start your day off right with a protein-packed breakfast. Kick start your metabolism and begin your day with a healthy habit so you'll be more likely to make good choices throughout the day.

Related: The 10 craziest things women do to lose weight

4. Be smart dining out

Look at the menu before you go out to eat. You're more likely to make healthy choices when you're not starving. Choose foods that say "baked," "steamed," or "broiled." Avoid fried foods and dishes with heavy cream-based sauces.

5. Prepare foods safely

Wash your hands thoroughly after preparing raw meat or eggs. Use a meat thermometer to make sure your meals are reaching the proper temperature. Both of these practices will help prevent food poisoning.

6. Keep portion sizes in check

Learn what makes a healthy portion size. That might mean pulling out a measuring cup to see how big your favorite plate or bowl is. Wait a few minutes after you've finished your serving to let your brain registered that your full. If you're still hungry, you can always go back for more.

7. Be active

No amount of healthy eating can beat a couch potato lifestyle. Get up and get moving - walk, run, play basketball - anything that gets you physically active and having fun

-By Heather Neal
Follow Heather on Babble

For 6 more dietitian-approved tips for living a healthy life, visit Babble!

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