Lose belly bloat in 96 hours (and feel great in your swimsuit!)

Welcome to my summer shape up, part 2! Last week on Shine, I shared two of the best ways I know of to drop pounds fast. A few of you asked, how do I get rid of belly flab quickly? Well, losing actual flab takes a little time, but reducing belly bloat-that's actually pretty easy, and with a few small adjustments you'll feel flatter and look slimmer in a matter of days (meet me here next week to find out how to get rid of belly fat permanently). But when I want to shrink that pesky pooch by the weekend, here's what I do:

Drink jazzed up water Sometimes plain, is just so, well, plain, so I add a few low-cal extras: a splash of fruit juice, a little grated ginger, some fresh mint (click here for Prevention's own healthy infused water recipe). A little flavor goes a long way, and drinking enough water helps keep your digestive system moving.

Take a lap after lunch Moving after you eat kick-starts the digestive process. I rarely have time to stretch my legs outside, but I make a point to stand up and take a stroll or two around the office.

Skip bulky salads Raw veggies cause belly-bloating gas, period. Try low sodium turkey on whole wheat instead, and save half for later. Breaking up your meals helps beat bloat because there's less volume in your stomach at any given time.

Take my mind off food! Even if I'm not on a "diet" and just want to shed a little water weight, my brain will inevitably rebel, usually in the form of a craving for a spicy tuna roll dipped in sodium-packed soy sauce. Bloat city! So I distract myself. What works for me may not work for everyone, so find your own non-food happy place (sex, knitting, online games-not necessarily in that order) and the craving will disappear.

Feeling flatter already? Tell me how these tips worked for you and I'll post some of your responses next week!

More Tips On How to Lose Weight
Get Slim with these 10 Belly-Flattening Foods
6 Success Stories
Trim Your Belly With this 1-minute Workout


Want more from Liz? Check out Flat Belly Diet to slim your tummy.

[photo credit: Getty Images]