Negative News

I am so sick of all the negative news. I am guilty of sharing it too.
Why don't we become like Hitler was? Just get rid of all the humans we believe inferior to us. But then who is us?

Hitler convinced his followers to hate other humans. Fueled by anger and hate he hurt and killed millions. He said we are the master race. He had people with handicaps, innocent young children and many others who were of many Nations executed and some for no reason. Stalin killed more than Hitler.

America has many problems but there is more good here than bad. But when ignorant uneducated people try to convince others that evil is good and condone it, someone has to stand up to it. What works and what doesn't?
Government is not G-d here. Leaders elected make important decisions that have the potential to harm many. It is important to have good moral, intelligent ones.
To place so many people in cages makes them nuts. Granted some people belong in them for horrible acts. But it is expensive for all of us. Criminals here in America are treated better than our homeless.

How many people know their purpose here? How many people use their gifts and talents for good? We have free will and free will choices. How many people know or follow the Ten Commands the Creator of this Universe gave to mankind? Each breath we have is given to us.

Each human has choices. We can build or destroy. We can learn prejudice, hate and anger or we can learn love,understanding and being cheerful.
All humans are pretty much the same the World over. We have families and problems. We all hurt and get sick. We are given a conscious to choose good and evil. We are all capable of being the best we can be. But how many even know why they are here or what that purpose is? G-d is no respecter of persons. He cares and watches the poor person the same as the wealthy.

All humans need love, water, air, food, shelter, clothing and sex to survive. Sex is like a fire. When controlled in a fireplace like marriage is is a good thing. It gives us the next generation and no diseases. It is used to show love not lust. Lust and love get confused with humans.

Anger and hate make humans where they cannot think properly.
There are even songs that teach how to hate others. How stupid.
We hear about the end of this Earth in the News. Will humans choose just to destroy this planet and each other? Or will we wait for the One it all belongs to to do it because it has gotten so far away from its purpose? I was taught that only our One G-d knows when it will end. We call G-d a He but G-d is neither male nor female. These were created. I have heard that humans are just animals. Sorry I do not buy that. I do not act like a dog and just go to the bathroom in front of everyone and leave it for flies and fertilizer.

G-d is a Spirit. We are taught there is only one unforgivable sin and this is refusing to believe in The Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has many functions. Learn about them.

The Holy Spirit has many functions and one is to hold back forces of evil. Human are able to do this also if they are taught what is good and what is evil.
Time is precious for when it is gone, it cannot be brought back. Do you spend your time with some wisdom or do you just take up space on this earth.

Children cannot choose who their parents are or what they are taught about life. When you are a bad example or teach then to condone evil they will get into trouble in life and have more problems.
Young people have fresh ideas. Old people have life experience and educated people have knowledge to share and the responsibility to do so.
There are wars and most are caused by money. But we come here with nothing and leave the same way. These are not good for no one wins in war but death and destruction. I know sometimes wars are necessary to stop evil. To me this is the only justification for war.

History not learned means history repeated. History shows us good and evil. Nature has rules. Learn them and live.

Weapons of mass destruction are on this Earth. Leaders have the responsibility to get along and not be the cause of mass killings that these weapons are capable of.
Leaders are not G-d and certainly not above Him.

When we are right with our Maker we do not fear. We will not even fear death.