Nutrition Labels Get a Makeover

by Alexandra Owens

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We love a good makeover as much--maybe even more--than the next girl, so we were pretty excited to learn that the FDA is planning on revamping its nutrition labels. After all, it's been 20 years since the last overhaul. Even the food pyramid has shape-shifted since then. "There's a feeling that nutrition labels haven't been as effective as they should be," says Michael Jacobson of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. So how, exactly, is the FDA going to make them better?

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Well, nobody's exactly sure yet, but experts are anticipating a few key changes. The biggest deal could be serving sizes that actually make sense: They'd never be measured in grams or ounces (who, other than your shady college boyfriend, could accurately dole out an ounce of anything?); and potentially, a small bag of chips or a bottled smoothie would contain an actual single serving, rather than two or more--so you'd never accidentally drink the caloric equivalent of a cheeseburger.

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And speaking of calories, it's expected that they'll be highlighted on new labels and possibly even printed on the fronts of packages, too. We'd guess that's a move by the FDA to fight obesity, but we're dubious: After all, studies show that mere calorie knowledge isn't enough to steer people toward less fattening meals at restaurants. Plus, any nutritionist worth her salt (pun intended) will tell you that calories are only one component of a healthy diet. So here's hoping the rest of the print--sodium, cholesterol, saturated fat--won't be too fine.

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