Is it OK to Eat the Same Thing Everyday?

by Sara Angle

Coliena Rentmeester
Coliena Rentmeester

I once had a friend whose eating philosophy was that "Variety is the vice of life." In her opinion, there was less of a chance of slipping off her healthy-diet wagon if she limited the choices available to her. When I pictured myself drinking the same cup of tea and eating the same bland yogurt every morning the way she did, I wanted to run to the nearest Whole Foods buffet -- where there's a constant rotation of unique nutritious dishes -- and surround myself with variety. And although I'm by no means overweight, I couldn't help but wonder if eating the same thing all the time is a foolproof approach to a svelte figure? From what I knew -- or at least thought I knew -- switching up the foods you eat is a great path to good nutrition.

Recently, I noticed my boyfriend packed the same lunch every day for a few weeks, while I packed a different meal for every day of the week. I couldn't help but scold him for not having enough variety in his diet.

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"Don't you get bored?" I asked, baffled.

But no, he was a happy camper sticking to the same foods. But instead of the two of us arguing the merits of a healthy diet, I decided to call upon the experts and ask NYC-based nutritionist Stephanie Middleberg for the skinny on repeat eats.

"It really comes down to the person and what their specific goals are," says Middleberg. "Some [people] need the type of discipline that a strict regimen brings, where other's see that as too restricting and will only cause more problems." So, as long as you're eating nutritious foods and a well-balanced diet, both approaches are totally fine.

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But now you may be wondering what type of eating personality you have -- and how you can make a consistent, healthy diet a part of your life? Well, if you crave structure (maybe you make lists a lot) or have a hectic schedule and NEED structure, having a bank of similar foods to rotate an be helpful in maintaining a healthy eating plan. Middleberg adds that if weight loss is your goal, less options typically make life easier as you're not confronted with a multitude of choices before, during and after each meal.

Then again, if you're the type that needs options, being too restrictive can cause food ruts, picking and then falling off the wagon, says Middleberg, so stay true to yourself and your needs -- and definitely don't force yourself into the 'other' way of eating.

Whatever your personality, Middleberg consistently finds that her clients fare better when the guidelines are clear and they know exactly what to shop for and which foods to keep on hand. "At the end of the day, as long as you're getting the nutrients your body needs, then eating the same thing repeatedly really isn't a problem."

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