On getting reacquainted with your old active self

I remember the last time I had fun while engaged in exercise (other than dancing or sex): I was playing some guerrilla volleyball with friends on a Saturday morning, stealing time in a pro sandpit. We all woke up early on a Saturday and played until we all realized that we were starving because we had played through lunch and it was almost 3 p.m. I don't usually sweat, but that day, not only were my armpits drenched, but I also had a line down my back from my soaking wet hair and very attractive half-moons under my boobs. We all collapsed at the sports bar next door and had celebratory cheeseburgers and then sucked down frozen strawberry margaritas, knowing that we were giving ourselves brain freezes but not caring because the cool sweetness was just too wonderful to stop. That was a good day. That was a very good day.

I stopped playing volleyball when I blew out my knee, but it's time to get reacquainted with that girl. I know that I'm a bit afraid of fitness, but Kim and Abby inspire me to pick up a sweet pair of walking/running shoes and get back to the point where I'm doing things with my body for the sheer rush of endorphins and the fact that I'm exercising is just a happy coincidence. I'm thinking about getting Wii Fit and also, revisiting my kicky iPod playlists but I still need your help. What are your tricks and tips for making exercise fun? What activities are you doing that just happen to be good for your muscles but are mostly just awesome? What do you do to distract yourself from the fact that you're sweating and would much rather be sitting on the couch, watching Grey's Anatomy? Help me, Elastic Waisters, you're my only hope!