The Overlooked Mineral We All Need

We often hear about the importance of vitamins such as Vitamin D, A, and B complexes' in our diet and the importance of minerals such as iron and calcium. However, there is one mineral that is often overlooked that is essential to good health. This mineral plays an important role in overall bodily functions such as muscle control, energy production and the elimination of harmful toxins. Have you guess what mineral it is?

If you guessed Magnesium you are correct. Most of us are deficient in magnesium. Over processed food, industrial farming which as depleted magnesium from the soil thus the produce, and the over concentration of calcium in our bodies also depletes calcium in our bodies.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are: Insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity, restlessness, constipation, muscle spasms, twitches, soreness, difficulty swallowing, nack aches, headaches, chest tightness and difficulty breathing, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, extreme fatigue, and osteoporosis. If you look at these symptoms you will see that these ailments are common in our society. This is apparent in the enormous amount of advertising spent selling products to alleviate these symptoms.

There are several options to increase magnesium in your body. The first is including foods high in magnesium such as: halibut, dry roasted almonds, spinach shredded wheat, oatmeal, peanut butter, brown rice, and raisins to name a few. Another alternative would be a supplement. While magnesium can be taken as a nutritional supplement it is not the most effective as certain foods, drugs and even a person stomach acid can interfere with its effectiveness.

The most beneficial way to get magnesium other than foods rich in magnesium is an Epsom Salts Bath. Epsom salts are named for the mineral rich waters of Epsom, England, where they were known at least as far back as Shakespeare's day. When bathing, the magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) is absorbed through the skin and is an inexpensive and natural way to reduce stress, treat skin problems, and draw toxins from the body. Additionally, Epsom salts absorbs magnesium into our body and soothes aching joints. The magnesium helps to produce adequate amounts of serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of calm and relaxation.

So treat yourself with a magnesium filled bath, just add two cups Epsom Salts to your bath water and feel the difference.

For those people that suffer from high blood pressure, heart problems, or diabetes, you should consult your doctor prior to using an Epsom salts bath. Additionally, the information provided above is not intended to replace the care or advice of a physician if you suffer from skin disorders, severe stress or anxiety, or other health problems.

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