Make the Positive Argument

2011 Happiness Challenge: For those of you following the 2011 Happiness Project Challenge, to make 2011 a happier year -- and even if you haven't officially signed up for the challenge -- welcome! This month's theme is Gratitude, and last week's resolution was to Follow a threshold ritual. Did you try that resolution? Did it boost your happiness?

This week's resolution is to Make the positive argument.

Make the positive argument.

If you want to read more about this resolution, check out…
Feeling angry, resentful, or self-critical? Make the positive argument.
Why a hurricane filled me with gratitude.
Why I try not to do things for others, but instead, do them for myself.

How about you? Have you managed to make yourself take the opposite view, by making the positive argument? Or what are other ways you help yourself adopt an "attitude of gratitude"?

If you're new, here's information on the 2011 Happiness Challenge. It's never too late to start! You're not behind, jump in right now, sign up here. For the Challenge, each week I'll post a video suggesting a resolution for you to consider. For more ideas for resolutions to try, check out the archives of videos here.

* This morning, a friend pointed me to the site Remodelista -- "sourcebook for the considered home." Beautiful, engaging, thought-provoking.

* Is your book group reading The Happiness Project? Email me if you'd like the one-page discussion guide -- or the discussion guide for spirituality book groups, Bible study groups, and the like -- at Happy reading!