Possibly The Weirdest News I've Heard All Day: Certain TV Shows May Make You Smarter

Did you grow up in a house where TV was rationed? I did. I somehow had this feeling that TV was bad for me as a child, and it was ... wasn't it? Researchers say not so fast. For adults, certain types of shows may actually engage your brain and make you sharper. The Bachelorette is on tonight--will it make you smarter? (Giggle) Details ...

Caroline from BlissTree reports the latest oddball research news: That TV may not be the evil villain we've always thought it was. "TV shows with multiple main characters, moral ambiguities, and overlapping plot strands engage your brain's problem-solving skills and social intelligence factor," she writes.

Other ways to flex those brain muscles: sleep (it improves memory), playing musical instruments, and getting into healthy debates with friends.

So, there you have it: A reason to not feel like a lazy-pants for kicking back a little tonight. :)

How much TV do you watch? I watch very little, but I do have a weakness for The Bachelorette.


Photo Credit: Condé Nast Digital Studio