Do You Really Need That? 5 Fitness Items to Ditch

Weight-lifting belt
Weight-lifting belt

1. Weight lifting belts: Gym folklore says that wearing a wide leather belt while lifting will support your back, prevent injury, and allow you to lift heavier. And we've all seen the ripped guys strutting around in weight belts at the gym, so they must work, right? Unfortunately science says the exact opposite.

Research done by Stuart McGill, author of Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance , shows that while wearing a belt may temporarily decrease pain and allow for heavier lifts, it can ultimately cause more frequent and more severe injuries. Why? The belts don't teach you how to stabilize your core when you lift and encourage improper form.

Do you need it? No. If you need a weight belt to perform a lift, then you either need to reduce your load or check your form.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

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Sport recovery drinks
Sport recovery drinks

2. Sport recovery drinks: First there were sports drinks, then came sport-specific drinks, and now we have drinks "specially formulated" for different times in our workouts with pre-, during-, and post-workout beverages filling shelves. But do you really need these? Researcher shows that while eating some protein and carbs after you finish an intense workout can help build muscle and speed recovery, a cold glass of chocolate milk works just as well as the pricier fitness-specific fare. Plus, people tend to overestimate the calories they burned during a sweat session and underestimate how many calories are in one of those fancy bottles, making it easy to erase all the work you just did.

Do you need it? If you are a high-level athlete and/or train for very long periods of time, paying more attention to your workout nutrition makes sense, but it's overkill for most of us.

Filtered water bottles
Filtered water bottles

3. Filtered water bottles: One of the (nastiest) rights of passage at a gym is seeing someone spit into the water fountain . It's enough to make you rethink hydrating at all until you get home. And now there are a slew of water bottles on the market with built-in filters that promise to keep your water pristine. But do the bottles really clean the water? In short, the carbon filters used in most bottles are "designed to reduce specific aesthetic or non-health-related contaminants (chlorine, taste and odor, and particulates) that may be present in public or private drinking water." In other words, the filters may make your water taste better but they can't remove germs or make unclean water clean.

Do you need them? If you prefer the taste of filtered water then by all means use one, but from a health standpoint they're not necessary.

Chamois sports towel
Chamois sports towel

4. Chamois sport towels: Fancy "sports towels " come in all shapes, colors, and sizes, but do they really work better than the ones you buy in a 10-pack from Target? When it comes to mopping up sweat, there's nothing fancy about them. For other sports, especially those that involve a lot of water like swimming, they can be a great tool. But despite drying quickly, they have a slightly different, almost sticky texture that can feel a little strange on your face.

Do you need it? Maybe. They're convenient if you're a swimmer or if you just like packing light, but if you just want something to wipe the sweat off your face or put between you and a weight bench, save your money and stick to cotton .

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Gym body wash
Gym body wash

5. Gym body wash: Gyms can be a hotbed of funky smells, unidentifiable liquids, and icky germs, so it's understandable that you think you need an extra-strength soap for your post-workout shower. While showering is definitely a good idea, it turns out that it doesn't really matter what you use while you're in there. There's no particular ingredient in most "fitness" body washes that you won't find in regular ones-just a higher price tag. Plus, many gym soaps are anti-microbial, and while killing germs sounds like a good idea, overuse of these soaps can lead to even worse infections.

Rob Dunn, of Scientific American, explains, "Most people who use antibiotic soap are no healthier than those who use normal soap. And those individuals who are chronically sick and use antibiotic soap appear to get sicker [than those who use normal soap]."

Do you need it? No, not only do these soaps not get you any cleaner than regular soaps, if you are using the anti-microbial varieties (look for "triclosan" in the ingredients), you could be doing yourself more harm than good.

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