What Can Shoes Do? Shoes Can Kill You

Shoes can ruin your feet and I am tired of this! Yes, I care. No, I do not have a foot fetish.

From a medical standpoint, flat shoes can cause flat feet.

Too tight shoes can cause deformities. Broken or loose parts of shoes can can death.

Yes, even death. I cannot believe what I saw. Women and children in poor shoes made of who knows what.

If a shoe has a flat arch and your foot has a high one, your bones fall and you get foot problems.Bunions and ingrown toenails are caused by wrong shoes. Size does matter.

If a shoe is made of the wrong stuff or too long or too wide, it can cause you to fall.
I have seen them that are so beautiful but really wrong for one's health sake.

See a Doctor for painful feet and more advise on shoes.
Leather and canvas are best.