Short, Sweet, and Effective: 5 Lunch-Hour Workout Ideas

Source: Short, Sweet, and Effective: 5 Lunch-Hour Workout Ideas

Midday is the perfect time to take a break from your desk and inject energy into your day. Here are five fast workout ideas you can fit in during lunch to burn calories and scratch your workout from your to-do list.

  • Quick cardio: Getting your heart rate up for even just a few minutes is better than sitting at your desk browsing the Internet, so fit in a quick run or elliptical session during lunch to burn calories and reenergize before you return to your desk. Print this 20-minute treadmill workout or this 20-minute elliptical workout to take with you to the gym.

  • Supersets: Save time during your strength-training workout while also maximizing your calorie burn by doing supersets, a type of move where you pair sets of exercises without resting in between. Print out this superset gym workout, and head to the weight room.

  • Tabata: Each four-minute round of Tabata is intense, meaning you don't need much to feel like you've fit in an effective workout. And since Tabata burns as many as 13.5 calories per minute, this type of workout is a smart decision no matter how much time you have. If your gym doesn't offer a Tabata-style class during lunch, then print this full-body Tabata workout to take with you.

  • Pilates: A beginner Pilates class can be just what you need to stretch and tone without becoming a sweaty mess in the middle of the day. Since many of these classes clock in under an hour, taking a class during lunch may be just what you need to refocus and reenergize while working on your six-pack. Check your gym or studio for a class that works with your schedule.

  • Walk: Use your lunch hour to run errands or just enjoy the nice weather; even if you aren't burning tons of calories, a long walk can offer many important health benefits, like lowering blood sugar and aiding digestion - especially after a meal. If you feel like you never have time to go to the gym or to work out at home, then get in the habit of stashing sneakers under your desk so you can take a quick walk outside during your lunch hour.