Step-By-Step Health Boosters

There's a lot of great health and wellness information out there, but taken together it can seem overwhelming. And that's when the idea of adopting healthier habits starts to seem impossible. But if you just take it one step at a time, it becomes much easier to start living a healthier lifestyle. Here's an assortment of easy health boosters to get you going. You can start doing just one or two at a time. Once you feel you've integrated that health booster into your life, you can move on to the next one. That way, you won't be trying to accomplish several significant - and tough - goals at once.

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Drink Less Alcohol. Instead of vowing to never drink again, try to stick with cutting back on alcohol. Think of this as a positive: A glass of red wine (which has been shown to actually be good for your heart in moderation) with dinner three nights per week.

Indulge Less Often. Anyone who's tried to radically change their eating habits overnight can tell you how unrealistic it is to do that. So allow yourself an occasional indulgence and you won't feel deprived. Try having your treat once a week, and then once every two weeks, and then once a month.

Have Fun With Exercise. Getting fit doesn't have to be hard, frustrating, or boring. Pick out an activity you like - bicycling, swimming - and go for it regularly. The more you like what you're doing, the longer you'll stick with it.

Make Relaxation Part Of Your Life. Take a meditation course, enroll in a yoga class, or set an hour aside for writing, listening to music, or any other activity that nurtures you. Once relaxation is integrated into your day, your stress level will go down - and that's important for your physical and emotional health.