Stop Counting Calories and Get Fit with Feng Shui!

Feng Shui has a powerful impact on the subconscious. That's why it's such a good way to promote weight loss. Instead of counting calories and fighting cravings, you can promote wellness through a careful selection of shapes, colors and materials.

Skeptical? Get your personalized Feng Shui report now, and try a few of these suggestions. They're inexpensive and easy to execute. As far as Feng Shui dieting is concerned, you've got everything to lose and nothing to gain.

Eat a square meal

Square dishes are better than round dishes when you're trying to lose or maintain weight. That's because squares radiate contentment, while circles invite curiosity.

Mellow out

Mellow, earthy tones promote fulfillment, whereas bright colors stimulate the appetite. If you're really serious about sticking to your diet, paint your kitchen or dining room an earthy color like brown, goldenrod or pumpkin. Your meals will be more satisfying and you won't be tempted to overeat.

Even steven

The more tranquil your eating environment, the easier it will be to stick to your diet. An even number of table settings will make you feel relaxed, whereas an odd number will heighten your awareness. If you have an odd number of people in your family, add an extra chair to the table. Your meals will become much more easygoing, allowing you to savor your food.

Mirror, mirror on the wall

Mirrors aid focus. To stay committed to your fitness goals, hang a mirror in your eating area, within clear vision of your seat. This will make you more mindful of what you're eating, as well as how much.

Clear the clutter

Clutter represents excess baggage, including unwanted pounds. If you're about to cut calories, rid your home of junk. Start with the kitchen, which represents your physical well-being. Clean out your refrigerator, throwing out spoiled food and wiping down the shelves. Move on to the cupboards. If you have any dry or canned goods that you haven't eaten in a year, donate them to charity. Sell any appliances you rarely use. Then tackle the bathroom, which represents self-care. Relegate outdated prescriptions and cosmetics to the trash. The more streamlined your household, the easier it will be to lose weight.

Eat to the beat

Bolting your food can result in overeating, because you aren't giving your stomach a chance to feel full. By the time you finish all the food on your plate, you are bloated and tired. To combat this problem, put a ticking clock in your eating area. This will remind you to slow down and enjoy your meal.

Turn in your trough

Americans are accustomed to eating huge portions, which has led to a nationwide weight problem. To reduce the size of your meals without feeling deprived, invest in smaller dishes. That way, you can clean your plate and still stay slim.

Get cooking

When you fix your own meals, you have a greater measure of control over ingredients, portions and food presentation. The simple act of substituting whole milk with low fat can make a huge difference to your waistline. There's also an added bonus to this cure: Feng Shui practitioners believe that cooking promotes financial prosperity. Whoever said you can never be too rich, or too thin, must have practiced this ancient art!

Have a balanced meal

The more colorful the food on your plate, the more nutritious it probably is. A good rule of thumb regarding meals is that meat, fruit and vegetables should take up two-thirds of the plate, while carbohydrates should comprise the remaining third.

Get the junk out of the trunk

If you've got a big posterior, clear out the back of your car. Excess weight often manifests itself in your automobile. The cleaner your car, the easier it will be to zip around.

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