Sun savvy protection ... in a bracelet


UV Sun Sense UV wristband monitor
UV Sun Sense UV wristband monitor

t's easy to lose track of time when you're playing or working outdoors. (Was that last round of sunscreen applied before your swim or after the bike ride?) With a wristband that monitors UV exposure, you can tell at a glance if you're getting too much sun. Put one on each kid and adult, and you can spend less time worrying and more time enjoying the day's activities.

UVSunSense wristbands change color depending on how long you've been in the sun. Each wristband starts off orange. Then after you apply sunscreen to yourself and the band, the wristband turns purple, indicating that it has been activated. When the band turns brown, it's time for more sunscreen. Yellow warns that it's time to get out of the sun.

Kelly McInnis
Kelly McInnis

We heard about UVSunSense from Kelly McInnis, who is vigilant about protecting herself from too much sun exposure (and has gorgeous skin to show for it!) and wanted to share this find with the Daily Grommet community.

Bill Luisi and Jon Horovitz., UVSunSense
Bill Luisi and Jon Horovitz., UVSunSense

The creators are Bill Luisi and Jon Horovitz (on the right), two entrepreneurs who founded UVSunSense to provide an easy way for people to make sure their sunscreen is still working and help avoid sun damage. Their wristbands are meant to get wet, so you can find out right away if that last jump in the pool dissolved the last of your sunscreen. It's so much better than discovering a nasty sunburn later on.

Buy UV Sun Sense UV wristband monitor here.

Check out more ways to avoid the sun from Daily Grommet