T He Symptoms Developed in Patients OfDengue Bite Are Similar and Well Reffered in Some Homeopathic Materia Medica Medicine as Cure Able by Foreign M D .Doctors

The Sudden change of weather in India and consequently mosquito menance recently has increased number of patients including Dengue bite patients with high fevers andbleedings from the patients bodies consequent loss of platelates in blood etc with other symptoms responsible for deaths.
The following remedies in Homeopathic Mateia Medica ofBy H.C ALLEN. MD AND BOWEL NOSODES. AS WELL mATERIA medica of Dr william boericke is as follows.
Symptoms nausea, Hemorrage.. bright red. bone pains, respiratory system, Intermitten fever, irregular cases, after abuse ofquinine
2 ramifications of pneumogastric nerve, spasmotic affections
intermittent fever, irregular cases
dysponcea relapses
Now in cases of trial this medicine may be tested in modern Laboratories for information of the claim as are in the books as well now been acceptd intreating like them fevers now are some time declared as Dengue fever