The Hero/Heroine Lives In You

Here's Something To Feel Good About Today!

Copyright 2010 Marlene Moore Gordon

"When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up. For that is just the place and time the tide will turn. Harriet Beecher Stowe activist and writer (1811-1896)

We all hear stories and witness by example people who overcome tremendous adversity, rise above desperate circumstances and achieve great endeavors. These extraordinary people deserve our admiration; they become our heroes and heroines. I believe that there is a hero and heroine living within each of us. Most of us don't know what we are capable of until we are tested.

Your struggles may not be legendary but they are worth acknowledgement. Whether your challenges are physical, financial, emotional, or spiritual, if the time comes that your burden seems unbearable, remember that you are never alone. Someone else has walked your path before and there is always someone capable of offering you encouragement and support.

We must all look within to summon courage; it's a choice we make when we reach out to others for help. When you share your triumphs and your challenges you offer hope and inspiration, and by example you may become someone else's hero.

Find Something To Feel Good About Everyday!

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