The Surprising Thing That May Be Increasing Your Risk for Heart Disease

A recent study is highlighting some interesting news specific to women. Could you be upping your heart disease risk without even knowing it? You may be if you eat a lot of this common type of food ...

Italian researchers have an important health warning for women: those who eat more white bread, white rice, pizza, and other carbohydrate-rich foods that produce a blood sugar spike (known as high glycemic index foods), could be twice as likely to develop heart disease later in life. (Strange side note: These findings are not true for men to; the researchers believe men process carbs differently than women.)

Health experts have long warned against eating too many refined carbs, so this is yet another reminder to limit your intake, or swap for healthier carbs, such as whole grains and fruit. To clarify: It's not the carbs that lead to heart disease, it's the type of carbs. So choose wisely!

Do you stay away from the bad carbs on the list above, or do you find yourself craving them?

P.S. Craving butter on your whole-grain bread? Try this trick. Would you get in on the new "healthy eating" fad--going gluten-free for the fun of it?