The Surprising Weight Gain Culprit: Do You Have Too Much of This in Your Bedroom?

By Sarah Jio, Glamour magazine

Researchers have a new theory about why some people may pack on pounds and others may not. Exercise and nutrition aside, could this thing in your bedroom be sabotaging your weight loss efforts?

Diane Mapes of MSNBC reports on a fascinating new study from Ohio State University. According to the research, too much light in your bedroom could be to blame for your weight gain.

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In a study of mice, researchers found that mice who were exposed to light at night (the human equivalent could be a TV on in the distance, a lamp near your bed, or just bright street lights) gained more weight than the rodents who slept in the dark.

While both groups of mice ate the same amount of calories in a day, the light-at-night group tended to munch during their restful periods, which led to more weight gain.

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True, this was a study on mice, not humans, but I still think it's instructive for us. It's a reminder of the importance of sleep and how wacked out things get when you don't take sleep seriously (like close the blinds, turn off the TV, and get to bed earlier!). In fact, I just reported on research that found a link between more sleep and more fat loss--check out the news.

How light/dark is your bedroom?

P.S. Scary weight loss trend of the moment: Docs sewing patches on the tongue to make eating painful. Plus, the easy way to burn more calories at work. And, try this breathing technique to help you control cravings...

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