The Top 10 Most Nutrient-Dense Foods (Can You Guess Them?)

Last week at Whole Foods, a poster caught my eye. It listed the top 50 or so most "nutrient dense" foods, according to a compilation of past scientific research. Could you guess the top 10?

Joel Fuhrman, M.D., author of Eat for Health, created rankings of foods according the nutrients they pack--vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc. According to Fuhrman, here are the top "superfoods", along with their Aggregate Nutrient Density Index (ANDI) scores:


Important to note: Researchers are learning more about specific antioxidants and nutrients every day, so just because your favorite fruit or veggies isn't on this list, doesn't mean it's not a good choice. Instead, let this list guide you to eat more of a variety of fruits and veggies, but don't let it steer you away. For instance, I love kiwi fruit, and I don't see it here. Oddly, studies have shown that kiwi--ounce for ounce--is a highly nutrient dense fruit. So, go figure. This list, like most research, is an opinion. But I still find it fascinating, if not informing.

Are you surprised by anything on this list (I'm a little stunned by the fact that olive oil seems to have the same nutrient count as ice cream!)? Do you already eat a lot of the foods here?

P.S. Eat more veggies with these yummy entree-topping relishes! And, 5 reasons why beets are the hot new veggie to love!