Tighten Vaginal Muscles - Naturally

Most Asian women, or rather South East Asian women especially the Malays and Indonesians will know this secret. Is an ancient secret from their ancestor on how to upkeep their body to be always like a virgin every night.

Consuming Manjakani tonic is a must during confinement month (within 40 days after delivery) for them. This herbal drink is proof to have magical effect on tone and tighten vaginal muscles after childbirth.

So, what is Manjakani?

Manjakani (Oak Gall) has been used widely in the ingredients of the traditional medicine for centuries by the Arabs, Persians, Indians, Chinese and Malays. It is believed that Manjakani has been used since 2725 BC by the ancient Egypt.

"Oak galls" (manjakani in the Malay language) come from oak trees indigenous to Asia Minor and Persia. They are produced when the leaves of the oak tree (scientifically known as Quercus infectoria) are penetrated by stinging wasps. The spontaneous chemical reaction caused by the penetration stimulates the leaves to produce a roundish hard ball called an oak gall.

Rich in tannins, vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, tannic and gallic acids, fibre, protein and carbohydrates, oak galls possess a unique kind of astringency which acts to restore health, tone and vigor in the vagina. Well-known since ancient times, Arabs, Persians, Indians, Chinese and Malays have traditionally used oak galls after childbirth, and to treat vaginal discharge and related infections.

Manjakani is one of the most powerful astringent herbs known. Its strong astringent properties aid in tightening and firming up the muscles of the vaginal wall, restoring elasticity, improving muscles tone and also assisting in reducing vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) that can cause bad odor. In addition, it also contains natural antiseptic properties that are effective in eliminating bacterial, yeast and fungal infections - the main cause of itching and unpleasant odor in the intimate area. Manjakani is also an excellent antioxidant for countering the aging process.

Where can I get Manjakani?

CLICK HERE to find out.