Treating Low Testosterone Naturally

When one has low testosterone levels, this can result to various health problems in males such as fatigue, low libido, weight gain and depression. Before trying any supplements and testosterone therapies, natural treatments should be tried first to achieve the right balance of this hormone. Here are ways on how to counteract low testosterone levels.

It is best to consult a doctor first before trying any exercise, diet or supplement to correct hormonal imbalance. Self-medicating should be avoided as this may cause even more harm. A doctor's advice must be the start of any health treatment or remedy.

Try to have more zinc in your diet, as zinc increases testosterone due to the fact that it is a major component of said hormone. The foods that are enriched in zinc are dairy, eggs and red meats. There are also multivitamins and dietary supplements that have zinc which cn be bought in health stores and through the internet.

Herbs such as saw palmetto and ginseng have been known to boost male function for hundreds of years. These herbs are cheap but they help treat low testosterone. These can be bought in health food stores and can be grown in gardens.

According to research, people who eat plenty of monounsaturated fats like those in olive oil and nuts, as well as saturated fats found in dairy products and red meat have higher testosterone levels. It is therefore advisable to eat meat from pastured animals eating grass and raised in farms such as cows and chickens.

A healthy lifestyle will address low testosterone levels and address male hormone imbalance. Exercising with weights and strength training will boost testosterone levels as time goes by.

Having the right amount of sleep every day and getting regular sex will boost the body's natural production of testosterone. Losing excess body fat will also address this deficiency as too much fat encourages estrogen production which counteracts testosterone effects in the body. It is also important to cut back on smoking, drinking alcohol and taking drugs because these bring in toxins which the body has to remove thus it would not be able to concentrate on producing testosterone.

Doctors usually prescribe testosterone replacement therapy when lifestyle changes are not effective to balance low testosterone levels. This kind of treatment has different methods that include gels, pills, patches, pellets and injections. The gels are expensive and they usually rub onto other parts of the body or people. The pills are convenient as they are just swallowed but there are some that can harm the liver. Patches are also used daily but they cause skin irritation.

As for injections, they are given every fifteen days to a month and are cheaper. After an injection is given, the testosterone level heightens but after the injection cycle though, the level falls below what is normal. The result would be highs and lows in terms of sexual intercourse which many males find depressing. Pellets are inserted into the skin every 3 to 6 months and these help the testosterone levels rise.

It is important to treat low testosterone as studies have shown that it can result to illnesses.

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