By Vince DeMattia

In the last 10-15 years, we have all watched and listened to folks like Jack LaLanne tell us how good "juicing" is for us. And, they're right. Juicing IS good. And, even if you're not juicing fresh veggies yourself, you're probably buying Orange Juice, Apple Juice, Grapefruit Juice or V8 Juice at you local supermarket. That's good, too.

Having said that, however... (you knew there was a "but" of some kind coming, didn't you)...there is something that I think you all should consider when it comes to juicing... and, that's arthritis.

What does juicing have to

do with arthritis, you ask. Actually, it can have a good deal to do with arthritis.

When you peel and eat an orange or core and eat an apple, or eat a half grapefruit for breakfast... or eat some carrot and celery sticks or a whole tomato and so on... you're not only getting the juice in those fruits and vegetables... but the cellulose... the "pulp," as it is known by juicers. The connective tissue, if you will.

But, that cellulose is not in the juice... even when you purchase orange juice at the supermarket, you've got "no pulp", "low pulp" "lots of pulp" types to choose from.... most of you choosing the "no pulp."

Well, folks... it's that cellulose... that connective tissue that, when missing from your diet... contributes to arthritis problems. It's what helps to replenish the resilience to your connective tissue and keep it lubricated.

Even if you're using Glucosamine, Condroitin, MSM and/or Hyaluronic Acid supplements (the key word being "supplements")... you should still help those things and your system to do their job by eating whole fruits and vegetables... or at least by finding a way to make use of the pulp when juicing.

Hey... There's nothing that says you can't take the pulp from your juicing machine and put at least some of it back in the juice. And, buy the orange juice that says, "lots of pulp."

And, now there are exceptionally powerful blender style machines that will thoroughly blend the whole fruit or vegetable into a smooth drink. They're another great alternative.

Post Script... for the gout type of arthritis ... there's several reports that tell us that there's nothing better than eating lots of cherries... or cherry juice. It is very helpful in breaking up uric acid deposits in the joints. I can tell you personally.... it really works. It's perfect for those of us that prefer to avoid pharmaceuticals.

A note here: I am not a medical professional or licensed dietician, so you might want to discuss what you've read here with your medical professional. v

(Vince DeMattia is a former Hollywood Reporter and Daily Variety staff reporter and former Las Vegas Jazz radio announcer.)