Why You Should Stand Up Straight

Mama was right about standing up straight!
Mama was right about standing up straight!

Feeling kinda blah? Stand up straight-it'll make you feel awesome. No, seriously.

By Korin Miller

According to new research from San Francisco State University, walking with bad posture can make you feel depressed. And it's not that depressed people walk with bad posture-forcing yourself to slouch makes you feel kinda crappy.

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For the study, scientists had 100 people walk in a slouched position and then skip down a hallway (skipping forces you to have good posture). A few minutes after each turn, they were asked to rate their energy levels and took a survey that rated their level of depression.

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Researchers discovered that people felt more bummed out and had less energy after they walked in a slouched position, but immediately felt perkier when they had better posture.

Okay, you're probably not going to start skipping around work when you need a 3 p.m. energy boost, but it's definitely worth keeping your posture in check for those moments when you feel sucky.

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