Win Award-Worthy Arms with This Upper-Body Sculpting Workout

Source: Win Award-Worthy Arms With This Upper-Body Sculpting Workout

With bikini season just around the corner, we can't help but find fit-body inspiration from the stars who dazzled on the red carpet this award season. To help get rid of that extra jiggle under our arms while also learning how to tone our tush, we turned to Crunch trainer Mitch Rice. With these three moves, you'll be waving confidently to your adoring fans and the paparazzi as if you were Cameron Diaz or Viola Davis!

TRX Single Leg Plié Great way to lift and tone the tush and firm up your legs for an enviable silhouette.

  1. Stand and grip the TRX bands vertically, palms facing each other. Lean back and lift right leg to 90 degrees, shift your weight back and rotate at hips, bringing right leg behind the left, similar to a curtsy lunge but without putting weight into your right foot. Your elbows will straighten a bit. Drive through the heel of your left leg while untwisting and bringing your right knee back up to 90 degrees. Advanced athletes can progress this exercise by adding a plyometric jump at the top.

  2. Do two sets of 15 repetitions on each side.

Standing Bicep Curl
Great for firming and toning the biceps for pose-worthy arms. Eat your heart out, Cameron Diaz!

  1. Start by compressing your shoulders back and down, hold your elbows tight to your sides, and make sure palms are facing up. Curl dumbbell up toward shoulders, taking two seconds on the way up and two on the way down.

  2. Do three to four sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Triceps Extension
Stop the jiggle while you tone your triceps and strengthen shoulders!

  1. Start by standing to the side of the machine, keep your elbow tight to your side, keep your palm up and close to your chest, and extend the cable down toward the side of your hip, taking two seconds on the way down and two seconds on the way up.

  2. Do two to three sets of 12-15 repetitions on each side.

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