Winter Races: Motivation to Get Moving

By: StacyAtZeel

So I've decided to sign up for the Manhattan half marathon on January 21st (and now that it's officially published on the internet, I have to follow through). I had no intention of racing in the dead of winter, let alone ever again after my first and only (so far) half marathon, which I completed back in August.

I guess I'll run if you run too. Towards a cozy fire and hot drinks!
I guess I'll run if you run too. Towards a cozy fire and hot drinks!

There's something, though, about the community of runners that seems to lure me back time and again, and whether you're a runner or a cyclist, swimmer, triathlete or Ironman or woman, you probably know what I mean.

With less than two months to train for the popular New York Road Runner-sponsored race, I'll be frantically--I mean, enthusiastically--looking for ways to stay motivated as the days get colder, the mornings get darker, and the temptation to spend weekend afternoons drinking hot chocolate rather than running 10 miles around the tip of Manhattan gets stronger.

Here's how I plan to do it, and I'd love to hear your words of wisdom too.

Get a buddy. Did you know that you're 50 percent more likely to get moving with a buddy than if left to your own devices? That's why I'm devoting the next week to convincing a friend to train and run the race with me. If I can turn my training into a social outing, I imagine that those imminent long Saturday morning runs won't feel like such a sacrifice.

Look the part.
After living in the frigid state of Michigan for four years, running in the cold doesn't really scare me. I actually look at it as an opportunity to pick up awesome winter running gear, like ear warmers, swanky zip-ups and of course, bright, snuggly leg warmers. I recently snagged this double layer headband from Smartwool and can't wait to break it in.

Sign up! Like, now!
Here's the thing: If you allow yourself to mull over the registration process, you'll be more likely to talk yourself out of the race. One of the best ways to get motivated is to simply sign up-and to do it now. Once you're registered, you'll have a goal to work toward.

Tell everyone.
OK, this one doesn't work for everyone. But something that helps me is to announce to the entire world (ahem) about the race. Not only will you be less likely to bail (lest face having to tell people you backed out), but it's also a tremendous help to get encouragement from friends and family. If you do back out, there's no shame either-these same friends and family members will support you through that important decision too.

Build your fan base.
In reference to the aforementioned tip, ask your friends and family to come out on race day to support you-whether that means bringing sparkly signs and cheering like maniacs from the sidelines or simply showing up and clapping politely. Having loved ones joining in makes the entire event that much more meaningful.

Are you a runner, cyclist, swimmer, triathlete or all of the above? What tactics do you use to get-and stay-motivated for competitions? We'd love to hear!