Yoga Your Way to a Bikini-Fit Tummy for Summer

By Heather Ashare - Yoga E

xpert for

Spring has sprung and the beachwear in your closet has started to rustle for some fresh air. Who doesn't love the dawn of summer, but let's be honest: Months of sweaters, cold-weather comfort food and unused gym memberships makes us all a little timid about baring our tummies.

Getting a toned tummy by the first day of summer does not have to involve stress, thousands of crunches, or endless meals made of plain chicken breasts. Instead, focus the next three months on your yoga practice for a fit, bikini-ready body by summer.

We're going to tell you exactly how to do it!

Start today.
If you aren't already enrolled in a yoga class, either at a studio or gym, research classes and instructors in your area. If the class experience doesn't suit you, consider a yoga DVD you can do at home. Bryan Kests' Power Yoga Complete Collection is a challenging and comprehensive option.

Know your moves.
One of the many benefits of yoga is the intense breath work and full-body movements, which work the multiple abdominal muscles in nearly every posture you perform. However, there are a few yoga postures that truly focus on the core. Navasana (boat pose) and plank pose are ideal for toning the stomach muscles. The key with these postures is to hold them and to keep extending through the crown of your head and tips of your toes as you do them, causing you to engage your core.

Be consistent.
It's one thing to try some yoga moves for a flatter stomach, but it's quite another to maintain a regular yoga practice. Frequency and consistency are integral to getting a flatter tummy. Start with one or two yoga classes each week, or with one or two 20-minute yoga sessions at home. Gradually increase to three to five times per week.

Eat right. Don't overlook your diet! Combine these core-burning yoga moves with a whole-foods diet rich in nutritious foods and low in processed, fake junk and you've got the recipe for a flatter stomach by summer. We're not talking about rabbit food, we're suggesting oatmeal topped with berries and nuts, grilled salmon with roasted vegetables, whole grain crackers and quality cheese for a snack, and a green salad topped with poached chicken.

Learn more about toning your tummy for summer:

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