Your Best Day to Lose Weight

By Laurel House

Is there a "best" day to lose weight? Absolutely! But that particular day actually depends on you. If you want to figure out your best day to whittle your waist and trim your tush, you've got to take a look at your lifestyle, your work week, your daily routine.

In order to make the most out of your valuable time, Stephanie Vitorino, an ExerciseTV trainer and Group Fitness Manager for Equinox Woodland Hills, suggests that your best workout day- the one that is most suited for a major calorie burn, is the day after your most restful night… like Monday. But even if you don't have time for a full on workout, you can still slip in a mini burner like Stephanie's 2 Minute Bun Blaster below:

Why Monday May Be Your "Best" Workout Day

"Mondays, for the most part, signify the start to your week," says Stephanie. "Hopefully you have enjoyed a restful and rejuvenating Sunday. You feel pumped up for a great workout and you have all the energy, focus and enthusiasm for your first workout of the week." Monday is a good day to set the tone of a successful first day back at your workout that week. For many of us, it's a defined starting point, a day that you can set new short term goals, achievable by week's end (like working out 3-5 times, eating dessert only on one week day, even losing a pound).

Recovery Time is Key

More than the benefit of renewed energy, starting your weight loss workout plan on a Monday gives your body the necessary 3-5 training days in the week plus time to recover. Muscles need time to recuperate between workouts (we're talking a day here, not days or weeks between… so no slacking!). In fact, you are actually weakening and tearing down your muscles while you workout. That day of recovery time is when they grow stronger. Stephanie suggests that "After a tough weight training day, you should give yourself at least 24 hours until your next workout. You can give it your best, and your body will thank you for it. The results are in the recovery!" That's why it's good to rotate between weight training and cardiocardio days- your muscles get to recover from your tough weight days while you work on burning calories on your days.

Get It Over With!

But possibly the best benefit to starting your workout week on a Monday… You get it over with! While fitness can be a lifestyle, it doesn't have to be your life. Enjoy your Sunday (your "I don't have to run day"- The Bangles anyone?) Do something fun outdoors with my family and friends. Of course, if that "something fun" also happens to be an active calorie-burning activity- even better!

If it's a Manic Monday, Try for a Tone-Up Tuesday Instead

Here's the thing to remember: You've got enough pressure piled on your shoulders simply from life's day to day and the obstacles thrown your way. Don't let your workout become another source of stress. If you had every intention of starting fresh on Monday but sleep was hard to come by the night before and suddenly a manic Monday slips away into a tone-up Tuesday, that's ok. Stephanie suggests that you "just stay on target and pre-plan all your workouts for the rest of the week. What really matters is that you exercise 3-5 days a week." So if Monday is your Day-1, great! If it's Tuesday, that's great too!

The point? Figure out your best days to burn calories based on your schedule. Regardless of the day, honestly, any day can be a fat burning day!

Click on the image to workout with Stephanie Huckabee every day of the week with the Powerfit Total Body Workout Series (includes 5 workouts-one for each day of the week), on sale now at ExerciseTV.