Homeschooled Kids Are Making Our Education System Look Bad


The back-to-school sales and clothes and backpacks and all those little things you didn't think you needed but have convinced yourself your kids have to have are probably making your head spin. It can be a really stressful time of year. Parents worry about all the stuff we can't control at school and kids do, too. Will they get good grades? How will the teacher be? Will other students pick on them? Homeschoolers don't have to deal with any of that. No measuring up to other kids, no awkward lunchroom moments, no raising a hand to ask to go to the bathroom. No worrying about having the coolest pair of sneakers because, well, shoes aren't needed around the house.

More from The Stir: Home-Schooled Kids Are Smarter

Homeschooling sure sounds great, but to be honest, I'm not sure I'm cut out for it because ... well, what if I totally mess that up and I end up being the worst teacher ever therefore making my kids F students? But apparently many parents are doing a much better job of teaching their kids than some schools.

Not only is homeschooling becoming more mainstream, but the kids are turning out smarter. Parents who teach their kids at home are scoring 37 points higher on standardized tests than typical schooled kids. That's quite a jump. And if you're worried about socialization, dad Phil Giannotti debunks the whole isolated homeschooled kid with no friends myth on He says there are meet-ups with other homeschooled kids, plenty of local activities planned on a family's own time, museum trips, proms, and even sports, where homeschoolers can often join a school's team.

More from The Stir: Homeschooling, for Lack of a Better Name?

Homeschooled kids never have to worry about the bully at the bus stop, the kids doing drugs under the bleachers, the condition of the classrooms, or the nutritional value of the lunch being served. Considering the state of some of our schools, homeschooling sure sounds great. And it's certainly cheaper than private school.

We are our kids' first teachers. I shouldn't be so worried thinking I couldn't be their teacher now.

Do you homeschool? What was your decision to do so? Parents of kids in public or private school: Do you think your child would do better homeschooled?

Image via jimmiehomeschoolmom/Flickr

Written by Michele Zipp on CafeMom's blog, The Stir.

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