Holiday Gift Etiquette: Who To Cash And Who Not To?

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'Tis the season to give, but first follow these helpful hints to help you figure out exactly what.

While gifting your mom or your man can be as challenging as finding the perfect pair of jeans, thinking up great gift ideas for those not as close to you poses even more of a conundrum, especially if your daily interaction with the person is limited to them asking you to fetch their files from the printer. After all, we non-Grinchers like to think that it's the thought that goes into a gift that matters - but putting any thought into the process becomes near impossible when said giftee is a mere acquaintance in your life.

To get a little more insight on what we should be giving (or not giving) these people who pop up in our daily lives, we consulted gift trend expert Dana Holmes of mega gifting database Having been in buying and trend forecasting for almost 10 years, Dana is like a walking gift encyclopedia herself, and she had plenty of gift ideas and tips to share with us. Click through to find out what you should be giving your door man, neighbor and others this holiday season.

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