12 Skills You Must Teach Your Kids

Sure, your kids can use an iPad and order movies on demand, but how savvy are they when it comes to life's basic skills? Take them back to basics, teaching them practical skills they'll need to become well-rounded adults.

Families these day- and especially kids- seem to rely on technology for virtually everything. Need information for a school paper? Google your subject, and the amount of data available is overwhelming. Need to learn how to tie your shoes? I'm sure there's an easy-to-follow YouTube video that'll explain. Books, games, recipes, movies- there's no limit to what can be reached and learned with the right high-tech device.

A useless generation?
So, I started to ask myself: Are our kids relying on technology and other amenities so much that they'd be rendered useless if they didn't have the conveniences they've grown accustomed too? What kind of skills do they have in their "life bag" that could help them if there were no more smartphones or iPads? I'm continuously amazed at how many basic pieces of knowledge the younger generations lack. From sewing a button to changing a tire, these are the lessons parents, grandparents and relatives taught the young ones. It used to take a village to raise a child; now, there's an app for that.

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12 practical skills everyone should know
After doing some research, I've compiled a short list of basic skills all growing adults should possess. The beauty in learning these, though, should be in the passing of information from one generation to the next. Find that abuelo or tía that seems to be good at any of these, and ask them to teach you. You'll get the satisfaction of spending time with family, plus your elder will appreciate sharing the information.

1. Basic sewing: Learning how to sew a button and hem a garment is vital.
2. Driving a manual transmission: Be able to drive a stick-shift car.
3. Basic cooking: From making toast to roasting a chicken, there is more to the kitchen than the microwave.
4. Changing a tire: It doe

sn't take that much strength, and it's easier than it looks.
5. Proper keyboard typing: It's faster and much more proficient (think work!) than using two fingers.
6. Build a fire: Ever been without electricity in the winter for at least a week? Best skill I ever learned.
7. Do laundry: Knowing how to sort darks from whites will help save your clothes and your money.
8. Tie a tie: All men should know how to dress for an interview or formal occasion.
9. CPR and First Aid: It can save someone's life. Enough said.
10. Use public transit: Stranded without a car on a Monday morning? Good thing you know the public transit routes in your area!
11. Put out a kitchen fire: You know not to throw water into a grease fire…right?
12. Table manners: It's nice to know what fork goes with what, but knowing to compliment the cook and sit at the table with a nice "Buen Provecho", is even better.

And like my abuela used to say, ¡Eso es así!

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