Batido De Mamey: Shake Things Up

Batido de Mamey
Batido de Mamey

By Liliana Moyano for Shine Latina

Mis abuelitos lived in small town in Colombia where the weather was ideal for growing exotic fruits. Grandpa planted fruit trees all around the house: tangerines, oranges, mangos, guavas, and my favorite, mamey (a papaya-like fruit). Grandma used to sit with me and my sisters around the pool and pick a mamey right from the tree. I never imagined that you could use this fruit in shakes until a few years ago when I bought frozen mamey thinking it was papaya. So, I gave it a try and made a simple batido or shake using a hint of coconut milk. Coconut milk adds a very smooth texture to any shake. This batido is perfect for breakfast, dinner, and even as a pick me up before or after your workout. It's light and delicious.

(1 serving)

Batido de Mamey
Batido de Mamey


  • 6 oz frozen mamey (can be substituted for papaya)

  • 1/2 cup milk

  • 1/3 cup coconut milk

  • 2 tablespoons honey

  • 2 ice cubes


In a blender place the mamey, milk, coconut milk, honey and ice. Puree until all ingredients are blended well. Keep in mind that honey takes some time to blend when mixing in with cold ingredients.

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