How to grill Mexican-style

By: Michelle Roberts

Grilling. It's the oldest cooking method in the book and yet, chefs around the world have their own fresh approach to igniting flavor with fire. Brazilians have a special take on serving their roasted meats at churrascarias, Cubans prefer a method of roasting whole lechónes on spits for crispy skin and Argentineans eat their asado with chimichurri sauce.

In this first episode of Grilling, take a look at how food is cooked south of the border. We visited family-run business "El Rancho Grande", where Mexican recipes are passed down through the generations, to learn inside tips on how to start a culinary fire ¡a lo mexicano!

PREP (preparar)

To start grilling, very few tools are needed: tongs, a sharp knife and, of course, a grill. Besides heating the grill itself, "Take care of what you put on the grill," says Chef Jose Manuel Ortiz, owner of El Rancho Grande.

COOK (cocinar)

Serrano, poblano and chiles…oh my! For truly Mexican flavor when grilling, it's all about turning up the heat not only on the grill, but with the ingredients; more specifically with the peppers that distinguish this particular cuisine. "Just remember the colors of the Mexican flag," says Chef Genesis Ortiz, referring to the red tomatoes, white onions and green poblano peppers that are essential to many Mexican dishes.

Marinades and sauces are also prepared with traditionally Latin flavors, including limón (lime), naranja agria (sour orange), colorful bell peppers, serranos and chiles such as chipotle.

EAT (comer)

No need for cheese or sour cream. To prepare an auténtico taco, simply top with chopped raw onions, cilantro and a squeeze of fresh lime juice. ¡Delicioso!

Buen provecho.

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