16 First Date Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Ahh, the anxiety of the first date and the many factors that can derail you before the night is even over. While women's magazines spend a lot of time focusing on what we ladies can do wrong, we thought it was imperative to put together a guy-friendly guide following the many stories we hear in the office from our co-workers about all the behavioral tics and social snafus that made these girls say "no thanks" to date #2.

Ever wonder why you didn't get a call back? Here's a rundown of some of biggest mistakes and how you can rectify them before your next big night out.

Beauty and Personal Hygiene:

- Don't fix your face at the table - excuse yourself and use the bathroom.

- Don't wear overpowering cologne or perfume.

- Avoid lipstick and food in your teeth at all costs. Try ordering something safe like soup or pasta, and above all else, bring floss with you just in case. (Ladies, a thin layer of Vaseline over your front teeth not only brightens your smile, but prevents lipstick from adhering to your enamel.)

Hot Topics and Conversation Killers:

- Don't mention your ex -- EVER.

- Don't do all the talking. Ask questions and stay engaged.

- Stop texting and emailing already! This is beyond rude and shows you're not invested in the date.

- Avoid crowded venues. Do NOT drag your date to a birthday party or an event in which you know everyone and they're the odd man out.

- Don't swear, make off-color jokes or act overly flirty.

End of the Night Game Changers:

- Don't come off as overly aggressive, needy or clingy.

- Whatever you do, don't get wasted and turn into a hot mess (seriously, it's not cute).

- Don't invite your date back to your home or apartment - it's way too early for that.

- Your tongue should not be playing third wheel in your goodnight kiss. This is way too intimate and suggestive (and kind of tacky if you want to know the real truth).

- Don't try to pin your date down on setting a time and date for your NEXT date before the first one is even over.

Follow-up Faux Pas:

- Don't play games. If you like someone, feel free to email or text them the next day and reiterate that you had a good time.

- Don't stalk them on Facebook or Twitter. You're not exclusive (yet) and they're not your boyfriend or girlfriend, so you have no right to get bent out of shape if you see them flirting or chatting with someone else online.

- If you don't hear back from them right away, don't deluge them with phone calls and text messages. Obviously they didn't feel the same way you did about the evening, so let it go and move on to the next one.

Related Links:

Dear Past Self; Here's 6 Dating Rules To Follow

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