3 Ideas to Heat Up Your Relationship

By Dr. Marianne Brandon | genConnect

It's getting colder outside, which means perhaps you're looking for a way to turn up the heat - both literally, and in your relationship. Keeping in mind that most people in long-term relationships easily get stuck in sexual ruts, bringing more of your heart into the picture will likely have a sizzling impact on your intimate connection.

Here are some ideas:

1. While making love, look him or her in the eye and whisper some of the things you love about that person. You can speak about their personality, their body, the way they treat you, whatever feels right. But make it genuine, because no one is turned on by a liar. Also, keep in mind that whispering is key - you are not trying to start a conversation. Make your words part of your sex play.

2. When making love, imagine that you can dissolve your skin and literally allow your body to melt into your partner's body. Concentrate on the feeling, and surrender yourself into your partner's body. Let yourself literally become absorbed and melt away… This can be a very vulnerable experience if you let it. And if you read my writing, you should know by now that vulnerability between the sheets can enhance everyone's experience.

Related: 50 Shades of Confusion - Why the Sex We Want Isn't Happening

3. Breathe your partner's body into yours. Imagine when you are breathing in that you can fill your entire being with the essence of your partner. Allow your partner into every nook and cranny of your body - your belly, your neck, your thighs - let your body totally fill up with theirs. What does it feel like to be consumed by them?

4. Click here for Dr. Brandon's final tip .

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About the Author:

Dr. Marianne Brandon is a clinical psychologist and Diplomat in sex therapy through AASECT. Dr. Brandon is Director of Wellminds Wellbodies LLC in Annapolis, Maryland. She is author of Monogamy: The Untold Story and co-author with Dr. Andrew Goldstein of Reclaiming Desire: 4 Keys to Finding Your Lost Libido.

Follow Dr. Marianne Brandon on Twitter @DrBrandon and Facebook.