5 Ways to Know He's FAKING IT

By GALTime.com
You're in a relationship and you've got the sex part down, but you question whether he REALLY loves you. Love and sex expert Dr Jane Greer says there are five signs to tell if he's FAKING IT in the love department:

1. If he says to you 'I only want to be with you," pay attention. The question that should come to mind is, 'Well, who else? Who else would you want to be with? Why am I the only one?' What does that even mean?

2. He says, 'I want you to have my baby.' Trust me, that very often is said in the passion of the moment and he means it in the moment but it's not going to be the way he feels the next day.

3. He's NOT affectionate and/or if you're kissing and he's kissing you back but you find his eyes are open and he's looking around, you should know that's a sign to consider.

4. He makes AND breaks promises. If he's always promising you, 'We're going to go out' or 'We're going to meet my family', but it doesn't happen, there's a reason he's not keeping the promises.

5. CLICK HERE for the biggest indicator the sex may be real, but the love may be fake.
