A Soldiers Wife's Love Letter to her Husband - Good Men Are Still Out There

In honor of Valentine's Day, I just wanted to write a note about my husband. You know, with all the stuff seen in the media about Tiger Woods, Elliot Spitzer, and Mark Sanford and their inabilities to keep their pants zipped, it could make you think that there aren't any good men any more.

I know for a fact that's not true. Now, I'm not saying my husband is perfect, because he's definitely not (and he knows exactly what I mean by that statement). I am not perfect either though. We go through life arguing about anything and everything - from "who's picking up the kids", to "what do you mean you're not voting for president?"

I'm not perfect either though. I know I drive him crazy at times - especially with my desire to analyze and discuss in detail things that bother me. In fact, I think that drives my kids crazy too! But through all this there is one thing that I have never doubted - his love and absolutely loyalty to me and our family.

You see, this year that has been tested like never before. My husband is an Army reservist deployed to Afghanistan. He's been deployed before - in 2003 he was deployed for 9 months. He left the day after our daughter's 1st birthday (our son was 4). I thought that deployment was hard! You see, we live in Florida, and the rest of both of our families are in Texas. To top it off, I work full time and had to manage that along with everything else! I was really lucky to have the support of some wonderful friends and coworkers who really helped me out.

This time is harder I think but in a different way. Our kids are older, and they are definitely better able to understand the risks Daddy faces on a daily basis. This deployment is also longer - Daddy won't be back for 15 months. The kids also resent that fact that there are times that I cannot do everything, so they miss out because Daddy is not here to help.

But I wouldn't change a thing about what my husband does. He truly believes in his military service as a calling to help others. He sees a need that too often goes unfilled in this country because society as a whole seems unwilling at times to make sacrifices for their fellow man. At times I feel guilty too, because I know I am the primary reason that he is not a full time soldier - but that's not what I wanted for my life. Being a full time soldier's wife is a full time career in and of itself - and I wanted one of my own.

This month, he's been gone 7 months and missed our 15th wedding anniversary. He called me and the kids yesterday to wish us Happy Valentines Day. He gets to call about twice a week, but of course I don't get to talk to him as much as I would like, because I have to share that time with the kids, and he has other soldiers waiting right behind him to call their families - so he can't take long.

I just wanted him to know that even though our life is tough sometimes, I would do it all over again. I don't really get a chance to tell him these things because of course he doesn't like the mushy discussions! :-) But I wanted a chance to articulate my thoughts and tell the world that there are good men still out there.