Advice from our guy friends: Can I quit trimming my pubic hair?

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My boyfriend is hairy and does no pubic trimming. I'm ready to go full '70s bush myself. Any advice?

Straight Married Guy (Frederick): By all means, let the garden grow! Full bush is sexy. You're a woman, not a girl. Of course, I'm a product of the '70s, where images from a '70s Playboy found in the bushes influenced my preferences. Most guys like a trimmed hedge. Screw 'em!

[Impertinent Question: How Do You Wear Your Pubic Hair?]

Straight Single Guy (Chris): In all seriousness, I can imagine this is a huge problem. Most guys hate your pubic hair and should return the favor. You should explain to him how much bigger he would look without the hair, buy him a Philips Body Groom, and point him to Shave Everywhere. Make sure he knows that the frequency of oral sex will go up exponentially when the area is cleaned up. Make sure you are diligent about your own grooming. Ask him things like, "You know what would be super hot...?" or "Did you know that you could look one inch bigger if...?" If he chooses to resist after he knows it is such a problem for you, then break up with him and give me a call -- I'm perfectly shorn and I love oral.

These days, guys have a hard time asking for what they want in bed (crazy stuff! corny stuff!). But they told Glamour!

Gay Committed Guy (Terence): My heart says, I'm on your side, do what you want. But my mind says, Noooo. He's a boy and you're a girl. It is absolutely, atrociously unfair, but boys are socialized with the hairless feminine ideal. And girls? If he has a job and maybe brings you flowers, you're batting a thousand. But I suppose you could always see what he thinks about wild growth down there -- you never know, maybe he'll be into it.

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Our "guys" are a rotating group of contributors, some of whom wish to remain anonymous and some of whom like the attention. This week's Straight Single Guy is Chris DiClerico.