Advice from our guy friends: Is there such a thing as an ugly vagina?

Advice from three of our guy friends. This week they answer the question, Is there such a thing as an ugly vagina? based, in part, on recent advice we gave and the flurry of comments that followed:

Straight Married Guy (Matt):
It's not something I've ever been all that concerned about personally, but I have (very, very rarely) heard guy friends comment on "ugly" vaginas, just as I've heard girl friends (slightly less rarely) comment on guys' johnsons. Some guys think anything other than Playboy-style tiny labia is ugly, and some girls think anything less than a pornstar package isn't enough for them. I'd say both of those categories are tiny segments of the population, and that most people are satisfied within a remarkably broad spectrum of labia and penis sizes. Basically, if it's not an actual medical oddity, it's pretty much all good. And unlike with penis size, where I assume there's actually a difference in feeling, I've never even slightly noticed a woman's labia while having actual intercourse--ever. There are plenty of things you notice about how the sex feels, but the micro-difference in the size of the fleshy bits outside the vagina? That's not something you're thinking about. So having a strong preference there doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. (We have some required reading for your vagina.)

Gay Committed Guy (Terence):
Got a question for ya? Is there such thing as an ugly penis? You know there are a heck of a lot of ugly penises out there! And so you ask if there are ugly vaginas. Well, all the feel-good, hooray for the vagina monolgue-ing ain't gonna hide the fact that someone is probably going to judge your private parts (gifts) as gorgeously delicious or disarmingly distasteful. Truth is, it's what you do with it, right? Whether it's pimples on your butt, grey nose hairs, mangled pinkie toes, or a non porn-perfect vagina, the right person (as in the one who should be servicing your nethers) is the person who likes your grey hairs, pimples and vagina cause they're attached to you. (Impertinent Question: What Are Your Favorite And Least Favorite Terms For A Vagina?)

Straight Single Guy (Max):
While some men do have a preference regarding a vagina's appearance, I find the idea of an "ugly" vagina absolutely ridiculous. Sure, each woman's vagina is different from the next, but the difference is less extreme than comparing one man's penis to another. The only time I've ever been bummed out upon seeing my partner naked for the first time is when my view of her vagina, not to mention my ability to perform certain acts, was obscured by an incredibly dense forest of pubic hair. That's an ugly situation. Not an ugly vagina. If a guy finds the appearance of your vagina to be offensive, I wonder how it is that you got naked with this guy in the first place. It's what is inside that counts, and I'm not talking about inner beauty here. If a guy doesn't want to find out what's inside, he can go ----- himself. Because he shouldn't be ----- you.

Our "guys" are a rotating group of contributors, some of whom wish to remain anonymous and some of whom like the attention . Th is week they're all a little shy.

Related:What you need to know about labiaplasty.