At What Age Should Women Consider Freezing Their Eggs?

frozen eggs
frozen eggs

Sofia Vergara toldVogueshe is freezing her eggs. The actress, 40, is engaged to Nick Loeb, 37.

"Younger than me, never had kids," the Modern Family star notes of her decision to start the process."

I may not be 40, but I am 32. At my last OB-GYN checkup I had a heart-to-heart with my doc. I told her I wanted another baby and that JD often asks for a sibling, like it's something we can shop for at the store.

She told me that 24 is the prime time to get pregnant. I was 25 when I discovered I was pregnant with my son. I wasn't afraid of her telling me that fertility drops year-by-year-I've read all the stats.

I just wanted to know about the window to conceive without going through the process of hormone therapy, freezing eggs and IVF - or ask a friend to help.

And by friend I mean, my friend shared his sperm to his friends-two times-and two little gentlemen became the products. They just took matters into their own hands, cup and turkey baster-it worked. Harrah!!

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My doc, rested her palm on my knee. "If you're not with the 'one' and pregnant by 35, we'll talk," she said. It's completely possible to get pregnant after 35, but if you're feeling insecure, we'll do what you want."

All of my friends are on their second kiddo. My best friend just brought her baby girl home and holding her, I was overwhelmed by that delicious newborn smell and those perfect eyelashes.

JD was playing with her toddler and every so often rested his head on my shoulder and looked at the baby … "Her fingernails are very small," he said.

Holding the baby and talking with my doctor cooled the panic. Let's see what the next 3 years has in store for us. "The good thing is, you had no problem getting pregnant the first time," my doc said.


"Yeah, my friends called my vagina the perfect storm." She chuckled.

-By Christine Coppa
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