Another Sex and the City movie? Give us time, Carrie.

(Craig Blankenhorn/ New Line Cinema)
(Craig Blankenhorn/ New Line Cinema)

Sarah Jessica Parker recently suggested there's a little more Carrie Bradshaw left in her. "I think there is perhaps one more small, important story to tell," Parker said in an interview with MTV news. "Whether or not we choose to do that and when we choose to do that remains, obviously, the unknown, but it's nice to ponder."

So there's going to be another movie? When? Look, you are an amazing, amazing girl but we need a little space. That's not to say we can't come back to each other, but maybe not for a while.

Right now, we're not really feeling Cosmos, Louis Vuitton purses and calling rich, manipulative businessmen 'Mr. Big'. I don't know what happened, just time I guess. Maybe we just need to miss you for a while. And it's not because you've gotten older. I know that's what you think which is why you've been talking about doing a prequel featuring Carrie in her 20's.

But it's mid-30s, chain-smoking, bra-top wearing, Carrie we fell in love with and will always love. I know it was weird for you to see us getting obsessed with another female buddy comedy, but please don't think this is about "Bridesmaids." This is sooooo not about "Bridesmaids." We wouldn't even have had "Bridesmaids" without you and "Bridesmaids" knows that.

I think we're just not yet ready to go through another sequel. That was so messy and not at all the way we wanted our time together to end. Right now, it's just too soon see each other without that happening again.. Just give us some time to miss you. That's all.

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