Being Awkward Makes You Better At Relationships, Says Science

by Scott Alden for HowAboutWe

Happy Opposite Day, everyone. A new study has found that people with no game are actually better at relationships.

The study, which was conducted by the University of California-Berkeley, revealed that people who are more easily embarrassed are more likely to stay in monogamous relationships and are considered to be generally more trustworthy, loyal, relatable and cooperative.

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The study makes no claim as to whether or not the Liz Lemons of the world are more likely to find love -- only that once they have it, they're good at hanging on to it.

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But wait! Before you go handing out your number to every guy with a trail of toilet paper stuck to his shoe -- there's more. The researchers found that only people with "moderate" embarrassment levels exhibit the favorable qualities. So that girl who can't talk to you without throwing up, isn't necessarily the girl of your dreams.

At least not scientifically speaking.

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