Chicks that Trip: The Joys of Solo Travel

For many women, one of the downsides of being single is the desire to travel but having no one to go with. Traveling without some or at least one of your favorite people can be daunting, but it can also be freeing and fun (see Lori's Cuba).

It's past the evening news, and you are just about to turn into bed when a commercial comes on that catches your interest. You plop back down onto the couch and become mesmerized by the aquamarine-colored ocean that engulfs a frolicking couple, as they chase one another down the beach. The advertisement continues, showing the same couple exploring the island's numerous activities, while wrapped in the lavish beauty of Barbados or some other island paradise. You sigh to yourself and click off the remote, knowing that you could never go on a trip like that by yourself - or could you?

Single travelers, particularly women, tend to have a misconception that unless they are traveling with a significant other or a friend, they will be uncomfortable traversing the globe by themselves. Fortunately, not only are there companies who cater exclusively to single women travelers, there are also a host of niche tour companies that require only a few participants, and none of the travelers need to have known one another prior to their journey! Read more: