These Are the Countries Where More People Are Sexually Satisfied

By: Kayla Devon

Feeling a little underwhelmed in the sack? Studies have shown that the average person isn't satisfied with their sex life. So naturally we want to know how to make our sex lives more exciting, and what better way to learn than to ask those who are fully satisfied?

Durex's Sexual Wellbeing Survey (2007/2008) polled heterosexual sexually active people across the world to find out who's doing sex right and what makes it so damn good. The countries that reported some of the highest satisfaction were Mexico at 63% fully satisfied, India at 61%, Poland at 54%, and Greece at 51%.

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However, the biggest correlation to sexual satisfaction wasn't the frequency of sex, the number of orgasms, or amazing foreplay (though they don't hurt!); surprisingly, it was respect.

In Mexico, 88% of respondents reported feeling respected during sex. In Poland, 74% reported the same, along with 73% of Indian respondents and 71% of Greek respondents.

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Durex's study went even further to find that those who reported having an exciting sex life, also reported being comfortable telling their partners what they liked during sex. Not surprisingly, Mexico, India, Poland, and Greece were all at the top of the chart for reporting an exciting sex life.

In another study published by The Journal of Sex Research in September 2013, researchers asked participants in a committed relationship to define sexual satisfaction. One of the most common themes was "mutuality," which was typically paired with "pleasure."

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For these couples, it wasn't about how big his penis was or how big her boobs were (though the porn industry would like you to believe otherwise). Being sexually satisfied was about doing it together and pleasing the other person because the more one person tries to please the other, the more it is reciprocated.So next time you're in bed, don't be afraid to tell your man exactly how you want it. The more he respects you and what you want and what pleases you, the more likely you'll feel sexually satisfied - and be able to achieve that oh so amazing big O.

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