Edible Undies? You'll Need a Food Permit for That.

Ever walk into Spencer's or other novelty stores that sell things like candy thongs, edible underwear, and jelly nipple tassels? It appears as if the San Antonio's Sanitarian Services is ruling that an adult novelty store in San Antonio, TX needs a food permit to sell such items-or it'll be shut down.

We're as perplexed as store owner Rosemary Benitez who said, "Everything is sold as novelty. Everything in the box says 'novelty item' only... It's not something you sit down and actually eat. It's more for licking and tasting. Edible? No. It's not going to fill you up."

We agree with Benitez. It's not like someone is going to run to their nearest adult store to buy a candy thong to snack on in the movie theater.

San Antonio's Sanitarian Services Manager Stephen Barschewski explains that it's a town policy, and that any establishment selling anything edible needs a food permit. The reasoning? "One, it's the law. Two, in case there's a recall, we certainly want to know the source."

What do you think-is the San Antonio government making a mountain out of a mole hill?

Also, we want to know: WHO is eating these things after they've been worn as underwear? We think that should be a fine in itself.

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