The Extraordinary Rise and Appeal of Living Alone

As long as I've been an adult, I've loved living alone. I got my first apartment shortly after college. It was a cute little studio apartment that had very little furniture: a bed frame and mattress, a table set, and a tv that sat on milk crates. It was like heaven to me.

I've had roommates twice in my life. Shortly after I moved to NYC, while adjusting to rental market sticker shock, I decided a roommate was one way to manage the expense of this wonderful city. One roommate was a woman who was a bit of a nut, the other a woman who was perfectly normal. Even though it was pleasant enough rooming with the normal one --even fun sometimes-- I couldn't wait to get my own place again.

I'm sure my love for living alone is one of the reasons marriage had so little appeal to me. I'm not a hermit by any means, but no matter who you are, at some point I want you to go home. I've posted about this a few times:

And now, I'm delighted to learn that, not only is my love for solo living perfectly normal, it's now becoming close to the norm. There's a new book by Eric Klinenberg called "Going Solo: The Extraordinary Rise and Surprising Appeal of Living Alone". It's about the recent sharp increase in the number of people who live alone…and it offers surprising insights on the benefits. (These insights are actually not surprising to me, but I'm sure they are to many).

Did you know: