Have You Ever Stayed In a Relationship Just Because It Was Comfortable?

By Erin Meanley, Glamour magazine

I've always been fascinated by couples who stay together because it is easy or it's comfortable. I once knew a couple that was together 9 years but they never got married. They just split-the relationship had run its course. I can't imagine what that's like, since my longest relationship was two years. Certainly it never got boring or dull-just hard. And I've never experienced what Jenny McCarthy tells Oprah on her (pre-taped) show today…

Jenny claims her relationship with Jim Carrey stopped being fun, according to People. While that can happen in a 5-month or 5-year relationship, I think the odds of the fun ending probably increase with time. Something changes, or you're just with the wrong person.

I'm scared of this! You put in all that time, and it just peters out? I mean, even dating a crazy comedian like Jim Carrey can stop being fun? How does a relationship just run out of gas? I get how someone cheating could end a relationship, but to just…meh? Not be able to enjoy each other, or become like roommates, or…? I don't get it!

Have you ever gotten out of a relationship because it stopped being fun? Did you ever stay in one, just because it was easy or comfy or there (if unfun)?

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