HEAVY PETTING: Send someone you love a Dreamlet right now

image courtesy of Dreamlets
image courtesy of Dreamlets

Sometimes here on the Love & Sex channel, we get so preoccupied with vibrators and threesomes that we occasionally forget the sweet, mushy, lovey dovey stuff. So in the spirit of "aww" I wanted to introduce you to the wonderful world of Dreamlets. My equally adorable friend Matty Harper is behind the creation of these soft, fleece-y works of art that make awesome gifts for little kids and big ones alike. Plus, proceeds from each purchase go to the arts charity of your choice, and on the site, there's also a tool to design your own e-card (so much more thoughtful than say, sending a "wink" to the object of your affection). Send a card here. Are these dudes freakin' cute or what!?

My favorite card (hint, hint).
My favorite card (hint, hint).

Want more HEAVY PETTING? See also: "Parrot says Obama's campaign slogan" and "A green puppy named Wasabi"