A High-Flying Bouquet Toss and Garter Toss

The bouquet and garter toss are time-honored traditions, but these days, more than half of Bridal Guide brides skip at least one of the tosses.

One couple decided to put a new twist on the tradition that was anything but stale - Natasha and Jake Johnson launched themselves in a human slingshot before making their tosses! Their venue, Hobble Creek Lodge, already had the slingshot on premises; after taking turns going up in it the night before the wedding with their bridesmaids and groomsmen, they decided to do it during the wedding as well.

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"Jake and I joked around about me doing the human slingshot in my wedding dress but I thought, 'No way, it will ruin my dress,'" Natasha told HuffPost Weddings. "Well, I changed my mind the night before the wedding and said, 'Why not!'"

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By: Kristen O'Gorman Klein